Active Documentation

Good documentation has long been argued to be the key to helping developers work more quickly and consistently with design decisions. But our studies have found that documentation is left largely disconnected from code, making it hard to write and update and causing it to become out of date and untrusted. This leaves developers to instead reverse engineer design decisions from code, causing rationale questions about design decisions to be some of the most challenging to answer. We've conducted studies to explore the nature of this problem and have invented new techniques to make documentation active and bidirectionally synchronized with code.
Good documentation has long been argued to be key to helping developers write code more quickly and consistently with design decisions, but is left largely disconnected from code. We propose a method for active documentation, where design decisions are made explicit as design rules and checked against code. Developers can discover how to follow a design rule by navigating to examples in their codebase. After editing code, developers receive immediate feedback about which design rules are satisfied and which are violated, notifying developers who miss design decisions about the existence of these design decisions.
Developers have long been encouraged to use documentation to learn about software design and make sure the code changes are consistent with the documentation. However, this does not happen. The reason is that documentation and code are disconnected. Using Active Documentation, design rules in documentation are formulated as checkable constraints. But existing tools do not offer enough support. In RulePad, we propose new techniques for authoring checkable design rules.
You can learn more here.
Project Members
- "Active Documentation: Helping Developers Follow Design Decisions", , , , IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC), 2019